
Capsule forms

Capsule forms consist of herbal extracts and healing mushrooms with high nutritional content

Active longevity №60
Strengthen vessels of the body and brain, improves the function of digestive and urinary systems.
Ingredients: spirulina powder, chlorophyll copper sodium, pine bark extract, ginkgo biloba extract, green tea extract, dandelion, asparagus, parsley, plantago, broccoli, inulin

Algofit №60
Natural absorbent
Ingredients: sodium alginate, chitosan, plantago extract.

Biocinol №60
Antiparasitic triplex.
Ingredients: extracts of black walnut, clove, wormwood.

Breast -Formula Forte №60
Normalization of the function of breast and female genital organs. Source of indol-3-carbinol
Ingredients: indol-3-carbinol, extracts of broccoli, hops, pueraria, fucus.

Grouthin №80
Normalization of digestion, enzyme support, comfortable weight loss.
Ingredients:extracts of garcinia cambogia, dandelion, bromelain, papain, chromium pikolinate.

Woman's health №60
Woman's tonic. Source of shatavari.
Ingredients: extracts of asparagus (shatavari) , broccoli and fucus.

Protected liver №60
Universal hepatoprotector.
Ingredients: L-taurine, extracts of artichoke, milk thistle, dandelion, nightshade.

Kidney health №60
Phyto support the urinary system.
Ingredients: extracts of birch, horsetail, dandelion, parsley, marshmallow, hop, astragalus.

Coral calcium ECO №50
Source of natural calcium.
Ingredients: powder of coral calcium, ascorbic acid.

Cordiceps — the power № 100
Immunomodulator, adaptogen.
Ingredients:cordiceps extract.

Strong muscles №60
Herbal safe anabolic, immunostimulant.
Ingredients: extracts of Rhaponticum 30% of ecdysterone, cordiceps, MSM.

МSМ Plus №50
Flexible joints, clear skin, healthy hair. Source of natural sulfur.
Ingredients: methylsulfonilmethan (МSМ) , extract of Noni.

Man's health №60
Prostate support and increase male power.
Ingredients: extracts of Saw palmetto, rhaponticum, cordiceps, reishi, damiana, maka root, zink aspartate.

Neostat №60
Unique immunomodulator.
Соmposition: cordiceps, reishi, shiitake, maitake, extracts of agaricus Blasei, cat's claw, green tea, coenzyme Q10

Powerful memory №60
Cerebral circulation and memory improvement
Ingredients: extracts of ginkgo biloba, gotu kola, green tea, L-taurine, glycine, vitamins В6, В1, В12 , glutamic, folic and succinic acids, coenzyme Q10, magnesium oxide, zinc aspartate, selenium chelate.

Flexible joints №60
Chondroprotector of new generation.
Ingredients: chondroitine sulphate, D-glucosamine, methylsulfonilmethan (МSМ), white willow extract, boron citrate, manganese aspartate, zink aspartate.

Waist №60
Fat burner
Ingredients: extracts of orange, lotus, bean, Garcinia cambogia, green tea, guarana.

Tonicol №60.
Energetic and fat burner.
Ingredients: extracts of green tea, guarana, Noni

Formula of calmness №60
Safe sedative.
Ingredients: extracts of passion flower, motherwort, hops, lemon balm, mint.

Good eyesight №60
Strengthens blood vessels eye restores visual pigments, improves color perception.
Соmoposition: lutein (marigold flower extract), bilberry fruit extract, zeaxanthin, pine bark extract, ginkgo biloba extract, triphala extract, vitamin A, spirulina, zinc aspartate.

Hoodia-Sun №60
Weight loss capsules
Ingredients: extracts of hoodia gordonia, garcinia cambogia, lotus, cassia, guarana, chromium picolinate.

Chistol №60
Digestive tonic, cleansing and rejuvenation.
Ingredients: extract of triphala (amalaki, charitaki and bibhitaki), aloe.

Clear rhythm №60
Regulation of the cardiovascular system, normalization of blood pressure.
Ingredients: L-lysine, L-arginine, hawthorn extract, valerian extract, garlic extract, coenzyme Q10.


These hydro-alcoholic extracts are made of Crimean herbs. They are good because of their momentary absorbtion and as a rule, one bottle is usually enough for the entire course of treatment.

Ailant 100ml
Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent against tonsillitis, herpes and parasitic infections, infertility, myasthenia and leukemia.
Ingredients: hydro-alcoholic extract of leaves and seeds of Chinese ash, St. John's wort.

Berberis 100ml
Phyto support of liver and gallbladder, choleretic and antiphlogistic.
Ingredients: hydro-alcoholic extract of barberry roots, herbs of immortelle, mint, tarragon, agrimony.

Capillar 100ml
Strengthens and protects the capillary vessels and improves microcirculation.
Ingredients: hydro-alcoholic extract of black currant leaves and fruits, grass of violet and clover.

Clearsun 100ml
Anti acne and arthritis
Ingredients: hydro-alcoholic extract of MSM, white willow bark extract, marigold extract

Normasun 100ml
Hypertension, angioprotector.
Ingredients: hydro-alcoholic extract of Sophora japonica, flowers of hawthorn and motherwort herb and cottonweed swamp.

Rilexun 100ml
Has a calming effect on the central nervous system, normalizes sleeping, has stress-protective action.
Ingredients: hydro-alcoholic extract of roots and herbs mugwort, hop cones, motherwort herb, lemon balm herb.

Sunlight 100ml
Germicide for colds, flu, influenza, various ARD. Improves digestion.
Composition: hydro-alcoholic extract of anise and fennel, herb of mugwort and mint, clove buds.

Toxoff 100ml
Normalizes water-salt metabolism and metabolism in general. Prevents the accumulation of toxins in healthy people bodies, and promotes their active elimination during metabolic disorders and salt deposits in the locomotor apparatus diseases and other diseases.
Ingredients: hydro-alcoholic extract burdock roots, wheatgrass, nettle, bearberry, knotweed, celandine, chamomile flowers and elderberry.

Trombosun 100ml
Strengthens venous tree with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. Anticoagulant.
Ingredients: hydro-alcoholic extract of melilotflowers and leaves, horse chestnut flowers and hazel pine bark.

Centurion 100ml
Phyto support of pancreas. Removes rumbling, bloating, improves digestion and appetite. Has an active hypoglycemic action. Improves overall.
Ingredients: hydro-alcoholic extract of fennel and centaury flowers, fig leaves, flax seeds, chicory roots.

Universum 100ml
For optimal functioning of the thyroid gland. Applicable in the early stages of diabetes. Contains bioavailable iodine xantostrumarin, lentinian and galegin.
Ingredients: hydro-alcoholic extract of xanthium, shiitake mushroom, galega, strawberry leaves.

Phytodrainage 100ml

Kidney "drainage", phyto support with urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. Has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect on kidneys and urinary tract. Has a complex effect on renal calculus and gallstones.
Ingredients: hydro-alcoholic extract of the knot-grass, wild carrot seeds, madder dye roots, peppermint and horsetail.





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295000, Российская Федерация,
Республика Крым,
г. Симферополь,
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